Founded 2002
We are Fundraising for Instrument Purchase via GoFundMe
You can make a difference by donating today to Bandon Concert Band (formerly Bandon & District Band). We are Bandon Concert Band, Co Cork. We are a registered charity (CRN 439451) with a Charities Governance Code (CGC 20081232). Our community Brass and Woodwind band is an inclusive and welcoming space for all Youth and Adults interested in learning music. Our membership is from the Bandon Area and around West Cork. The band plays a variety of music such as marches, movie themes, pop and classical pieces so that we can engage with all audiences.
Bandon Concert Band provides tuition and RIAM (Royal Irish Academy of Music) exams. We need your support to fundraise to purchase more instruments so that we can increase our band membership and therefore create a Junior Band and a Marching Band. The objectives of our strategic and artistic plan are also to engage with other musicians and to engage with schools, and this too will require funds.
Bandon Concert Band values the positive impact that music has on a community and on its members. Learning to play an instrument cultivates many skills such as good hand to eye coordination, patience, improved concentration and increased self-confidence.
We thank you for your support whether that be by way of a donation or sharing our link. We look forward to bringing you more music into the future.